So lately I've been on quite of a bit of a reading kick. I've started reading about 5 or 7 books, not sure cuz some are on my kindle. Finished about 2 of them and started reading another. Oh and I also picked up a new book at the grocery store. What? It was only 7 dollars...
One of the ones I've started reading is one I've read before. Its Chicken Soup for the Father and Daughter's Soul. Yeah I'm one of them. I've read quite a few of them. They're great and they're easy reads. I highly recommend them. Anyhow back on topic. This book, if you couldn't tell Chicken Soup for the Father and Daughter Soul is about the relationship and love of a father and daughter. I reminisce about my own memories about my dad.
Now if you know him, he appears gruff, grouchy, and just plain ornery. But that's just the surface. He is really the best man any girl could ask for in a dad. He is loving, kind, funny, and loyal. I wouldn't trade him for all the money, all the jewels in the world. He is priceless. No matter what his daughters get themselves into, he will always try to help the out. He doesn't want to see us fail. One of the nicest things I heard from my dad was said not too many years ago. I had heard that he had said that I have gained and become quite knowledgeable about the store. Well, it was something along those lines...the original comment made me choke up and cry. Was a wonderful thing. For a man like him to say that, a man that doesn't share feelings overly well till recently, spoke volumes.
Another memory is on a little further back...and more a multitude of memorable moments. I love traveling with my dad. He's really laid back. Plus when its just me and him, I feel more comfortable talking to him. There are still some things I don't share with him, in the last 6 or so years, I do share more than what we had when I was a kid and teen.
Dad connected with a couple cousins that he didn't know existed. One, she lived in Florida. Debby and dad really clicked. He went down to visit her back in October 2010. They talked constantly, emailed. Then one day, dad didn't hear from her. I really bothered him. Understandably so. We only found out recently what happened...she died...less that 60, I think she was barely even in her 50s... I don't remember her brother's name, so I'll call him cousin, but dad reconnected with him. Christmas Day he called cousin. He and dad shared an emotionally charged conversation. He was really hurtin' (cousin) that this was his first holiday without his sister. The two men have made plans to get together and meet. Was a wonderful Christmas on that respect. *smile*
I love my dad. I truly, truly dread the day that he is no longer here.. He is a one of a kind man, with a truly kind and generous soul. Doing thing because the NEED to be done, not because they want the attention for doing so. Grandpa raised him well. The world will be a darker place when he is not down the street, not cracking it up at Ace..