Monday, November 18, 2013
Futures now entwining
We have talked about an April wedding in 2015. Official date up in the air tho I think we will be going with the 11th. Nevada in the spring can be beautiful. Can be miserable too! hahahaha! So gotta plan for that case.
Plans are already in the works. Well at least with me. I have a dress picked out, tho not yet purchased. Minister is already agreed to do the ceremony, colors picked out, flowers already in discussion. Things not yet really worked out is guest list, locations, arrangements, photographer, and invites. You know, the little things. (laughs) So if anyone knows of a good, inexpensive photographer, let me know! Bahahaha!
It is short, but not much to discuss right now. Next post, I will post a photo of the beautiful shiny that I now sport daily!
[Spring is] when life's alive in everything.
Christina Rossetti (1830 - 1894)
In the spring time, the only pretty ring time, when birds do sing... sweet lovers love the spring.
William Shakespeare (1564 - 1616), As You Like It, Act V, sc. 3
To love and be loved is to feel the sun from both sides.
David Viscott, How to Live with Another Person, 1974
A kiss is a lovely trick, designed by nature, to stop words when speech becomes unnecessary.
Ingrid Bergman (1915 - 1982)
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
For the 3rd time this year, I have to get a new debit card... I'm really starting to hate banks.....
Sunday, July 14, 2013
1 year
Its hard to believe that this Friday, Ryan and I have been together 1 year! We've had tough times a plenty, but we've had some really great times too! I've got to do things with him that I never got to do with my ex. Its wonderful! And I'm not talking about vacations and the like. I'm talking littles things like cuddling and dancing and cooking together and dinner with another couple!!!
Our vacation to North Dakota was so much fun, I can't wait to go back! It was a vacation where I didn't have to go anywhere or do anything but enjoy myself. And I did!
And I got to know his mom better, learned about his brother some more and I even cooked dinner one night. I learned more about farm life and more about sheep castration than I care to know! Hung out with his dad a couple of days by playing golf with him. Just so you all know, he beat me both days but he was impressed with my game.
Was really sad to leave there just fell in love with it there! To alter an old song title, I left my heart in North Dakota.
Sorry this is short, but I am on my phone and its about to die!
So to conclude:
Here's to our 1st year as a couple, and to our continued journey together!
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
31. 41. Memorial Day. Vacation!
It has officially been 1 month since my 31st birthday and to date, it has by far been the best! I saw a wonderful couple say their I dos before their family and friends on that day. Ryan had bought me some very beautiful pink lilies and a very nice card to go with them. But that wasn't all, I had my other gift at his place. I didn't get to open that til day after. Turned out it was a sailor bear (Ryan is retired Navy), and he (the bear) sings Anchors Away. Very cute!! Domino wasn't quite sure what to do when I was playing with the bear, making it sing. He kept backing away. ahahaha!
And just 2 short weeks later was Ryan's 41st birthday, or as he's now calling it, the 1st anniversary of turning 40. He tells me that 40 was a pretty good year for him. He tells me that its because he met me, a true companion, his girlfriend. Makes me feel warm fuzzies when he tells me that. I too tell him that 30 was great cuz I met someone that makes me feel as good as he does. Anyhow, onto the real tale. We went to Berlin-Ichthyosaur National Park for his birthday. I couldn't really do what I wanted, which was to take him to lunch in Reno, broke you know... It turned out to be a really fun time! Erin, Ryan, and I toured some of the old building in the mining town of Berlin, then got a non-tour tour of the Ichthyosaur fossils. Our tour guide was a character. He told us how the fossils were found, how they believe that there is at least 4 animals there. Showed us different types of ichthyosaur, shared interesting facts, and even cracked some jokes. Great time. :) We got back to Fallon, had some pizza at Pizza Hut, then called it a day. Usually on Mondays, I try to come back to Yerington, after our long day, I decided I was too tired to drive home.
Memorial Day was fun this year too. It marked the 1 year anniversary of my friend Erin to her husband Jimmy. It was kinda funny that I was in Fallon, on that same day, exactly one year previous. Well, made me chuckle. Since mom was also in Fallon with me that day as she was a year ago. Anyhoo, Ryan and I held a BBQ for a few people. We had invited Erin, Jackie, mom, Ila, Garry, and Ed. Sadly Erin and Jackie couldn't make it. For good reasons. Jackie was trying to aquaint her new kitten to her older cat and it was Erin's anniversary. It was fun none the less. Ryan and I had provided drinks, burgers, and chips. Mom had brought a delicious fruit salad, Ila had brought potato salad and Garry (hahaha) and Ed had brought deviled eggs. Good times, good conversation, and good friends. That is what BBQs are about!!
Like I'd mentioned, I will be going on vacation in less that 2 weeks! I really can hardly wait! Can't wait to see his mom and dad again, meet his daughter, and visit the farm that Ryan keeps telling me he won't get me off of!
Have a great night folks! Will write again soon!!
Monday, April 15, 2013
Lost life...
His father told a story about when Gabe was just 5 months old and the family was going to Tonopah. There was an accident. His dad had happen to been drinking..Gabe, unhurt, was found in a nearby bush. His father cried and from what I gathered, had quit drinking..such a poignant moment for me. I had been in a similar situation. I was seven when it had happen to me.
My heart goes out to the family, blood and by choice, for their loss. I knew him back in high school a bit, but I wish I had gotten to know the wonderful man he had become.
I would add more, but I'm feeling rather emotional so I will post again about it later...
Sunday, April 7, 2013
Year 31
Soon I will be 31. This last year has been quite..not sure what the right word would be. Its had its ups and also its down. My faith has definitely been tested. And I wouldn't trade it for the world! Well maybe a couple things..I am human. I lost what I thought could be something, many friends loves nose dived, a friend left for new adventures, an old one came back, dad had a heart attack, new baby niece, and my favorite: Ryan. He has made me happier than I have been in a long time. Makes me smile when he's not around, I feel special to him. Beautiful too.
Austin has become quite important to me also. He is one of a kind that kid. He's straight forward and sees things in fairly black and white. After dealing with adults that your not sure about their honesty, he's a breath of fresh air!
Dad's heart attack scared me beyond belief.. I don't know what I'd do if it weren't for my friends and loved ones. If I had lost him...that's an image I don't care to think about.
My newest niece was born in February, I can hardly wait to meet her!! My sister and her family are moving back. That alone is going to be an adventure for her and I working together.
Here's to number 31! May it bring many happy adventures and much love to me, Ryan, and all my beloveds!
Monday, February 4, 2013
Pre-Valentine's Day
First off, I am thankful my father is still alive. He had a mild heart attack about 2 1/2 weeks ago. It could've been worse, luckily it wasn't. He had some medical training back when he was on the Fire Department, so he knew what was going on.
Secondly, thankful for my friends. Tho many of them are going thru rough patches in their own relationships, they are still my friends and I am glad that they can confide in me as I did in them when I went thru my own romantic non-bliss. May love shine upon them and may they find happiness.
And thirdly, I am thankful for the love of a good, kind, and wonderful man. Ryan is everything a girl could ever ask for. He came into my life and it hasn't been the same. He makes me laugh, lets me cry, he is my rock in rough seas, my breeze on the smooth seas. He has become my best friend. I love him like I have no other. And anymore, I cannot imagine my life without him now.
The basis of my blog, thank you