This blog is about my new life here on the Great Plains of the Dakotas.
Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, June 6, 2011


As graduation looms upon us, I think about my own 11 years ago.

My last week is a bit of a blur.  Finals taking up most of my week, Friday was the day that me and my friends all looked forward to, for we would be outta there come Saturday.  I, like most of my classmates, were ready to get out and move on with our lives.  Some starting full time jobs, many off to college.  It was a sad event as well as a happy time, for my grandpa was in Washoe Med going on something like day 10.  He had broken his neck climbing through the beloved lake house's kitchen window, slipping on the sink.  I wonder what might've been had I been there, had he not climbed through the window.  Would my life be different?  Would I have come back to my home town?  What would I be doing instead of this?  Would he still be here?  These questions have run thru my head possibly millions of times over the last decade, but the answer is always the same...I don't know.  God only does, only does He know where my path will lead me. 

My plans after high school were to go to college, get my teaching degree so I could teach 2nd grade (because I love kids), meanwhile falling in love with my college sweetheart, after we both graduate, get married, and then start a family a little ways down the road.  But those plans changed.  I told my dad I would move home after graduation and help him out with my gramma.  She was still taking it hard 3 years after Grampa's death.   So there went my plans.  Also didn't help I was rather annoyed that I had to take advance maths and English to teach elementary school kids.  I know, the degree is technically a K-12 degree but still, they should break it down to elementary and middle/high school degrees.  But that's another topic all together.  So home I came.  Renewed some old acquaintances, made some new ones, fell in love.. Many years have gone by.  I've lost many loved ones.  My Grampa's brother and sister-in-law Uncle Joe and  Aunt Annabelle, my gramma, my gramma's brother Uncle Dorman, and my beloved nun aunties, Carolyn and Fidelis.  And thats just to name a few.  Happiness happed too.  I had met my boyfriend Tim, my sister got married to my wonderful brother Jay and they had my beautiful neice Brynn.  Now I look forward to the day that I get to have my own kids, whenever that might happen. I hope its sooner rather than later though, I'd really like to be able to chase after them and not be tired when I catch them! hahahahaha