This blog is about my new life here on the Great Plains of the Dakotas.
Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, September 8, 2011

New Beginnings

Well I know I haven't posted anything in a while but I'm here to remedy that now.

Sunday marked a new chapter in my life.  My boyfriend of 4 years and I broke up.  No worries about me being depressed about it though my dear friends!  We did so amicably!  We both saw our lives differently.  I want kids one day, he doesn't want anymore.  He and I have agreed to remain friends.  After 4 years, I can't not see him in my life in some fashion.  He told me I was strong, he also wishes me the best and hopes I find the one I am looking for.  And I wish him the same, if he chooses so. 

Tho it is different being single once again, I'm not sure what to think.  Four years is a long time to be with someone and then be "alone".  Tho I am not actually alone.  I have many friends surrounding me!  I have my friend Jackie, a single gal like myself! Then there's my sissy Jennifer and hubby Aaron.  They have been wonderful and sooo sooo supportive.  My friends Melissa, Amy, Erin, and Melissa have also been wonderful supports.  When I was down, I could turn to any one of these people and I could walk away feeling so much better about myself, maybe not what was going on in my life but certainly knowing I have such a support group to help me out!

At dinner tonight with my other friend Jen and her hubby Leroy, a gal that works at the China Chef made the comment that we need to find me a "lovey lover"! Cuz even she noticed he wasn't that touchy-feely.  I loved it!! It was sooo funny.  She also was teasing about "pimping me out" and "speed dating" at her place!  I told her we defiantly need to hang out soon!  I love Krista!!

Also, within the last week and a half, my dear kitty Mac, has gone missing...I'm afraid I will never see her again for I've heard coyotes and the terrible dream I had last week.  At present time, I have no new plans of adopting another feline friend.  I just can't do it...losing 2 of them in less than a year is just too too much for me to bear...I love them too much to chance another loss.  I will stick with my lovey mutt Bailey and just deal with mousey traps.