This blog is about my new life here on the Great Plains of the Dakotas.
Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

sad days...

Sad news, as of the 20th of this month, Tim's dad Walt passed away after fighting heart and lung troubles.  Tim called me that morning in tears.  He and his sister Becky and her family had gone to Elko and spent Father's Day with him.  At least they got a chance to say good bye.  Walt's family is have a "celebration of life" on July 16th... I don't think I'm gonna be able to make it...  Dad and Cheryl are going to a wedding that same day and its in the early afternoon.  His funeral is in Elko. =(

Last saturday, another man I knew, Ted Wilson, also passed away after battling cancer.  His funeral service is on the 9th of July. 

They say things happen in just waiting for that last shoe to drop  so to speak...

Friday, June 17, 2011


As I sit here on my couch on this 17th of June, listening to Sara Evan's newest album Stronger, I think about what has been going on in my mind and in my life.  I really feel this album really speaks to my frame of mind and what I'm feeling right now.  Such talented people involved in this album.  I highly recommend it.

The last few days I have been feeling like crap.  Wednesday I ended up with a sore throat and a stuffy nose.  The throat was bothering more than the nose.  I can deal with a stuffy nose, sore throat is a little tougher to deal with.  Today, after going to bed last night at around 8, I feel much much better!  Just a slight tickle in the throat and an extremely runny nose. (and no, I am not chasing after it.  It can come home when she's ready.)

Emotionally I'm not sure where I'm at.  I have been feeling rather lonely, since I have seen Tim only once in the last month.  Phone calls yes but not the same.  If we lived in different places its more understandable, but we both live here!  I miss when we'd hang out on weekends, either just him and I, or him, Megan (his daughter) and I.  We haven't done that in a long time either...I've been feeling rather left out of his life.  I love him but I don't think that even that is enough to keep me hanging around.  I'm going to try and talk to him about it when he gets home from his dad's.  That's been bugging me too.  His dad has just given up.  His health has had good days and bad days.  The bad days seem to be outnumbering the good. So his sister and he are going to (hopefully) talk some sense into him.  Maybe them being there and it being father's day this Sunday will knock some sense into the old man.  I love him, he is such a funny, dear man.  I'd hate to see the world without him in it.  It would be like losing my own grampa.

Speaking of grandfathers, today is the 11th anniversary of my grandpa's death.  Its been a tough day over all, considering everything else going on in my life.  Even tho its been over a decade since my family lost him, the pain still feels pretty fresh.  You see, he got me in a way that it seemed that no one else did.  As a child, I was pretty shy.  I think partly because I was the youngest in a fairly well-known family.  I was always "somebody's something".  Examples, I was "Cheryl's little sister (by teachers and students), Joe and Debby's daughter.  So I didn't have much of an identity till I went away to college.  Grampa got me.  He and I could sit together and not talk but still enjoy each other's company.  I loved him more than just about anyone.  Even to this day I feel that way.  On my seventh birthday, my grandparents got me a Barbie and a stuffed animal.  The doll has long since found a new home, but the stuffed animal I still have and cherish.  That animal?  A little stuffed skunk.  At first I wasn't too sure about it but I grew to love it, partly because my grampa gave it to me.  Well, every time they would go somewhere, the would try and find me a skunk.  My sister's senior trip, she even brought me home a Pepe Le Pew.  Still have him too.  In 2000, they made another trek to Arizona and yes, they brought me back a little beanie skunk.  Unfortunately it was the last one I would receive from my beloved grampa... We lost him June 17th, 2000.  One week after my high school graduation that he missed because he was in Washoe.  The 22nd, we held services for him.  Jim Sanford, former editor of the Mason Valley News delivered a beautiful eulogy.  Uncle Johnny gave a nice speech.  But the parts that make the biggest impression on me were the people that were there and the way that we ended the church portion on the service.  The people, wow, there were a lot.  The entire catholic church was filled and there were even people braving the early summer heat by standing outside.  And the ending?  Take me out to the ball game.  He was a huge San Fransisco Giants fan.  That was part of the annual trips to Arizona.  Giants training camp.  As long as I can remember, they never missed a one.  It was tough, to watch them put this larger than life man into the ground and forever gone from my sight.  Just thinking about this is making me cry.  I haven't really thought about the burial part of the funeral for quite a few years..

Yesterday I got to see my dear sisterfriend Jennifer!  She and her hubby Aaron came in and got fishing licenses, some tackle and a cooler, in case they caught something.  Unfortunately they didn't.  But I was super glad to see her!! I miss seeing her..wish we lived closer, or at least had a bit more time to spend together...

My friend Jackie has been in town for a few months now and we have been hanging out together, watching movies, cooking dinners, and just sharing laughter.  Telling stories about our past relationships or what man we'd like to with, family members (human and animal) dilemmas and the like.  She is currently going back to school to get a degree in the study of the eye.  Don't remember exactly what it was but it sounds pretty interesting. 

So this is what has been going on with me the last while.  Other than no time with Tim, I have been spending more time with dear friends, having fun with them since he doesn't seem to want with me.  I love my friends for being there for me.  Without them, I don't know where my mental state would be.  So a thank you out to all of them!!!  You are my rocks!!

This father's day, I am going to Topaz and spending the day with him and our dogs.  This will be the first time Bailey has ever gone swimming in a lake.  She's been river swimming but this will be interesting to see how she reacts to the lake! I know it will be a good day.  Dad and I get along better when we aren't at work..

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Today was a day that started cruddy, was pretty good, down right grrrrrrrrr, then ends with a wonderful visit with my favorite florist Tracey!

First it was cruddy because I was comfortable in bed, having weird dreams and then had to get up... :P

Was pretty good cuz we were busy at work and so this morning went by pretty quick. 

The down right grrrrrrr was when I convinently found a fat wad of gum on the sidewalk in front of the store, three feet from the trash can!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This was found by the bottom of my new shoes and the wad used to be the size of a half dollar, till it got attached to the bottom of my shoe...

Then after work I cruise on over to the local flower shop and visit with Tracey and she was ordering flowers for the shop, after that she was showing me funny youtube videos of Tom Lehrer.  So funny!!  Saticical, dry comedy!!

Friday, June 10, 2011

11 years

Congrats to all the graduating kids of the class of 2011.

Its been 11 years since my own high school graduation, my how the years have flown by!  We are all in vastly different place than I'm sure many of us planned on being.  I know I am. 

Tomorrow I am going out with my friend Melissa and Lori.  We are going to get dolled up and go out dancing!  I hope to have a lot of fun, after this week, I need it.

Also is my friends Jennifer and Roberta's birthday.  Many happy returns to them!!

Monday, June 6, 2011


As graduation looms upon us, I think about my own 11 years ago.

My last week is a bit of a blur.  Finals taking up most of my week, Friday was the day that me and my friends all looked forward to, for we would be outta there come Saturday.  I, like most of my classmates, were ready to get out and move on with our lives.  Some starting full time jobs, many off to college.  It was a sad event as well as a happy time, for my grandpa was in Washoe Med going on something like day 10.  He had broken his neck climbing through the beloved lake house's kitchen window, slipping on the sink.  I wonder what might've been had I been there, had he not climbed through the window.  Would my life be different?  Would I have come back to my home town?  What would I be doing instead of this?  Would he still be here?  These questions have run thru my head possibly millions of times over the last decade, but the answer is always the same...I don't know.  God only does, only does He know where my path will lead me. 

My plans after high school were to go to college, get my teaching degree so I could teach 2nd grade (because I love kids), meanwhile falling in love with my college sweetheart, after we both graduate, get married, and then start a family a little ways down the road.  But those plans changed.  I told my dad I would move home after graduation and help him out with my gramma.  She was still taking it hard 3 years after Grampa's death.   So there went my plans.  Also didn't help I was rather annoyed that I had to take advance maths and English to teach elementary school kids.  I know, the degree is technically a K-12 degree but still, they should break it down to elementary and middle/high school degrees.  But that's another topic all together.  So home I came.  Renewed some old acquaintances, made some new ones, fell in love.. Many years have gone by.  I've lost many loved ones.  My Grampa's brother and sister-in-law Uncle Joe and  Aunt Annabelle, my gramma, my gramma's brother Uncle Dorman, and my beloved nun aunties, Carolyn and Fidelis.  And thats just to name a few.  Happiness happed too.  I had met my boyfriend Tim, my sister got married to my wonderful brother Jay and they had my beautiful neice Brynn.  Now I look forward to the day that I get to have my own kids, whenever that might happen. I hope its sooner rather than later though, I'd really like to be able to chase after them and not be tired when I catch them! hahahahaha

Friday, June 3, 2011


Well, I knew it was gonna happen sooner or later, and now its happened!  Mac has figured out the dog door!  I found this out this morning when I looked outside...and saw her sitting on the dog house!!!  So glad she didn't make it out into the front yard, with the traffic I might've had kitty pizza.. :(  Glad she is chipped so in case she does get lost I can be reunited with her.  My little pretty kitty girl!  Currently she is lying on my floor in front of me, oops I take that back I think she might be heading back to the dog door to venture back outside.  I don't think she's figured out quite yet that she can come back in the same way!  hahahahaha!!