This blog is about my new life here on the Great Plains of the Dakotas.
Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, April 15, 2013

Lost life...

Yesterday, a young man was laid to rest.  His life ended much, much too early.  Went to his service yesterday.  It was a wonderful way for him to be honored.  Listening to the stories people, his friends and his family, shared.  Their souls bared for the world to see.  I didn't realize how much I had hurt till I saw his body, still fresh with youth, lying there in that casket.  My heart broke.  He was a loving, caring soul.  Truly a man of God, as people would say.  Gabe lost his life in a car accident.  He wasn't wearing a seat belt from what I am told.  Other person in the car is alive but in ICU.  He was just 29...just in his prime.

His father told a story about when Gabe was just 5 months old and the family was going to Tonopah.  There was an accident. His dad had happen to been drinking..Gabe, unhurt, was found in a nearby bush.  His father cried and from what I gathered, had quit drinking..such a poignant moment for me.  I had been in a similar situation.  I was seven when it had happen to me.

My heart goes out to the family, blood and by choice, for their loss.  I knew him back in high school a bit, but I wish I had gotten to know the wonderful man he had become.

I would add more, but I'm feeling rather emotional so I will post again about it later...

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Year 31

Soon I will be 31. This last year has been quite..not sure what the right word would be.  Its had its ups and also its down. My faith has definitely been tested.  And I wouldn't trade it for the world! Well maybe a couple things..I am human.  I lost what I thought could be something, many friends loves nose dived, a friend left for new adventures, an old one came back, dad had a heart attack, new baby niece, and my favorite: Ryan. He has made me happier than I have been in a long time.  Makes me smile when he's not around, I feel special to him. Beautiful too. 

Austin has become quite important to me also.  He is one of a kind that kid. He's straight forward and sees things in fairly black and white. After dealing with adults that your not sure about their honesty, he's a breath of fresh air!

Dad's heart attack scared me beyond belief.. I don't know what I'd do if it weren't for my friends and loved ones.  If I had lost him...that's an image I don't care to think about.

My newest niece was born in February, I can hardly wait to meet her!! My sister and her family are moving back. That alone is going to be an adventure for her and I working together.

Here's to number 31! May it bring many happy adventures and much love to me, Ryan, and all my beloveds!