This blog is about my new life here on the Great Plains of the Dakotas.
Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

sad days...

Sad news, as of the 20th of this month, Tim's dad Walt passed away after fighting heart and lung troubles.  Tim called me that morning in tears.  He and his sister Becky and her family had gone to Elko and spent Father's Day with him.  At least they got a chance to say good bye.  Walt's family is have a "celebration of life" on July 16th... I don't think I'm gonna be able to make it...  Dad and Cheryl are going to a wedding that same day and its in the early afternoon.  His funeral is in Elko. =(

Last saturday, another man I knew, Ted Wilson, also passed away after battling cancer.  His funeral service is on the 9th of July. 

They say things happen in just waiting for that last shoe to drop  so to speak...