This blog is about my new life here on the Great Plains of the Dakotas.
Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, October 3, 2011


Well day 1 of my vacation is coming to a close and here I am writing.  Thoughts of things that have transpired in the last month of my life...newly single, loss of my little furry friend, new interest for my personal life...

But those are topics of another is about vacation.  This is the first vacation I've had in over a year.  I'm at my old stomping grounds of Susanville, CA.  Along with me is my dear friend Jennifer.  She's been halfway across the globe twice but never to northern California.  I chuckle at it. After coming in and getting a quick tour, she's impressed.  She sees why I love it here.  If I had to pick a place outside of Nevada to live, it would be here.  I love the scenery, the clean air, the nature!  The only thing that would suck would be being miserable when the pines pollinate in the spring. 

I am a bit sad to be here too.  Because right now, there is someone that is back at home who has thoroughly invaded many of my waking thoughts.  He is a wonderful guy who makes me smile, makes me laugh, makes me feel like when we're talking, that I'm the most important person.  He and I have shared many conversations and I've had fun doing so.  He's a fairly recent addition to my circle of friends but he is a dear one now.

Well since not much else has been going on today, I'll end it here with the hope that when I return home, I can get things figured with him and in life in general! :)

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