This blog is about my new life here on the Great Plains of the Dakotas.
Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, November 25, 2011

Fall news, winter dreaming

Thanksgiving this year was a very pleasent experience.  Dad and I had it with Sherry and her family.  Lots of food, lots of laughs!  Almost like the ones we used to have as I was growing up.  Ahh childhood, when times were relativly simpler. What I mean by this is that when we are kids, it was tough being stuck at the kiddie table, not being able to help in a way that you wanted to, those kinds of things.  Now, more responsibility, bills, work, families of our own, and the like.  Tho I do long for simpler times, I really wouldn't trade how my life is now.  I have friends that I love, family that I actually enjoy spending time with, and a new man in my life. 

Its been almost 10 days since Justin and I have seen each other.  Thats ok tho.  It will make the next time we see each other much more special. :)  Which is actually this Sunday.  So I am very excited! 

Today, my ex Tim came to the store with a piece of pipe from his furnace.  Dang, really wished I'd gotten a picture of this pipe...rusted out.  Explains a lot of the issues he's had with the thing.  I feel for the guy cuz its his only source of heat and Megan is going to be there tomorrow.  Good thing he has the stove now in the shop so hopefully he'll have something to keep warm. Sheesh... This pipe had to have been original to the mobile.

The weather lately has been that of fall.  Its the end of November..  Come on! I want winter already!!  Bring me snow!  I want to play in that cold fun white stuff!! 

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