This blog is about my new life here on the Great Plains of the Dakotas.
Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Holiday Season yet again...

Ahh tis the Christmas season once again.  You can feel it in the are and see it in the streets no matter where you are.  The only thing I feel is missing is some snow.  Truely it doesn't feel like Christmas without a little snow on the ground.  Not asking for a lot, just a few inches so Bailey and I can play in it. :)

This is also a tough time of year for many people, myself included.  People losing homes, losing jobs, losing family...sad anytime of year, but doubly so during this time of year... This time of year is supposed to be joyous, not sad. 

Today I found out from my dear friend and adopted sister April, that a dear friend of the family's had passed away over the night.  Bob was a dear and funny man..lived a good life, but sadly was doing rather poorly the last few months.  Sad to see him go but I know he is in a better place and no longer in any pain. Rest in Peace Mr. Matheus, you will be sorely missed...

In other news around the way, my personal life seems to be going fairly well.  I was sick a couple weeks ago with a nasty 24 hour flu bug that was going around.  I literally wanted to die.  I hadn't had the flu since probly around 10 or more years ago.  Well, Justin came out after he got off work Saturday and brought me gatorade and kept me company for a couple hours.  He didn't have to do any of that but I really appreciated it.  Unfortunatly he got sick too...on sunday..  It hit him about as long after as it did me.  Several people got sick that weekend, including my dad.  Was not a good weekend to know this girl's family and friends...Everyone is now better and no longer sick. :)

I am all but done with my Christmas shopping, now comes the fun part of the whole holiday season...wrapping! hahahahahahaha!!!

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