This blog is about my new life here on the Great Plains of the Dakotas.
Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, May 27, 2011


The end of another work week is almost upon me, one more day and then I get to see my sister-friend Jennifer! Pending nothing goes wrong for us!!  So please God if you hear me or if you read this, please!!

Today I also went to the cemetery to place the crosses and astroturf on the great-great uncles graves in honor of Memorial Day. Just like I have every year since I can remember.  This year was a little different tho.  I took my mom with me.  It made it a bit more special since I got to spend this humble time with someone I love.  We wandered a bit thru the older part of the cemetery.  It was a saddening experience...The weeds that have grown thru there are atrocious.  Headstones weren't bad but I would love to see some of them refurbished. It was also sad seeing how many children are buried there.  Some months, some days, some even still born with no names.  Just "baby of Mr. and Mrs. So-and-so."  It was a time that health care and child delivery wasn't great, I know this but its still heart breaking none the less. 

After this we went over and visited my grandparents, great-grandparents, and the uncle I never got to know.  He is one of the still born children that is buried in our Valley View Cemetery.  I miss him.  My grampa.  Hard to believe that he's been gone almost 11 years.  But you know that... I almost cried there today because I used to visit him more regularly after I returned from its so infrequent, I'm ashamed that I don't pay my respects more often..he was a great man..such a big heart and a warm smile. He's a treasure that I hold near and dear to my heart. <3


  1. Carrie,
    I truly am sorry that our plans for tonight were postponed. I just can't seem to break free from this vicious work cycle I've had lately. With the program coming to an end, and all of the people who have quit, we are SO short handed. Saying "no" to covering extra shifts, to me, is like telling someone that they can't take a shower, have to sleep in their wheelchair, or go without a meal simply because "I'm tired" or "I want to have a night off". It's been my life for 10 years.

    My name is Jennifer Pellegrini, and I'm a workaholic.

    You shouldn't feel bad because you don't visit your Grandpa regularly. He "lives" in your heart, and that is the most important place for him to be.

  2. Jennifer,

    I totally understand! You do important work and would never expect you to just let some one go by the wayside!! If you did, I think I would have to smack you! lol I love you because you care so much!! :)

    Love you my sisterfriend!!
