This blog is about my new life here on the Great Plains of the Dakotas.
Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Sunday Sunday pt 2

Had a wonderful time at Topaz today.  Got a wonderfully pleasant surprise, in the form of my cousins Charlcie, Josh, and newest little cousin Eric, Charlcie's son. Was great because I haven't seen either of them in ages!! Josh especially.  Also met his fiance Courtney, who is a kick!

There were lots of people there.  I think about 40 or so.  A lot of people I didn't know, but I chatted with just about everyone who showed up.  So many people, so many relationships with Johnny.  Friends, family, and neighbors.

I think my favorite part of the day was meeting Eric, sweetest little baby!  He spent most of the day sleeping but I did get to meet him while he was awake.  There was another little girl there, Isabella.  She was a pretty, chubby little baby.  So sweet in herself tho I didn't have much interaction with her. 

It was really funny day too.  Just about every time I took a picture of Charlcie, she would look in my direction and smile.  Almost perfect timing!! Love that girl.  Tho jealous of her too.  She's got a wonderful man and a wonderful baby boy in her life!  *sigh* I can hardly wait for the day that I get to have that wonderful baby in my life!!  Tho I was very content to enjoy having one, even if only on loan!! hahaha!

Ok, memory time..and its a short one for not much to tell about it.

One summer, my dad almost lost the Jeep truck in the lake...twice.  The e-brake never really worked properly on it for years, course it was like 30+ years old at the time and spent a good portion of its life in the hills hauling back firewood for the house at the lake.  One of those times, it almost ran over Charlcie.  Almost, she got snatched outta harms way. 

I miss those childhood summers with cousins and other various family members to enjoy those lazy summer Sundays...

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